Meet Justin Goodrich (’24) from Lutheran High School Northwest, majoring in Applied Theology.
Why should someone from Lutheran High School Northwest consider CUAA?
If you enjoyed Lutheran High School Northwest for its smaller class sizes and its Christian environment and education, then you will be getting an even greater experience at CUAA. I felt like I knew nearly everyone when going to LHNW but while I’m at CUAA I feel as though I am part of a giant family with all my peers.
How did Lutheran High School Northwest prepare you for life after high school?
Doing theater at LHNW has helped me become a confident public speaker. I have obtained planning skills through working in student council. I also have basic problem-solving skills thanks to my experience at LHNW.
What has been the impact of a Lutheran education in your life?
My faith has become something I am extremely confident in. I know who God is and what He has done for me. I know that by my own works I can do nothing but prove that I am a sinner. But God has shown His love and faithfulness to me by giving me His only Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord to die for my sake. Jesus has took on all my sin and my sin is crucified on the cross and left in the empty tomb. Christ has become my friend and guide for my life.
Has any teachers or professors impacted your life while at CUAA?
Mr. Davis from LHNW has helped shape my faith by teaching me both the Old Testament and New Testament. Mr. Vonkampen from LHNW encouraged me to practice music, while I don’t consider myself a great singer, he encouraged me by telling me that I am not tone deaf and those words have stuck with me till now. Because of Mr. Vonkampen I continue improving my musical skills to glorify God. Professor Kittleman from CUAA has shown me how to interact with others and show genuine hospitality and love to my neighbors. Dr. Schulz from CUAA has taught me both Hebrew and Greek and I can now read the original texts of Scripture and I will be forever grateful to him because of that.
What is the most underrated element of CUAA?
You will be told that the greatest part of CUAA is the family connections you will make, and while that is true, the best way to make those connections is by joining an extracurricular. I joined the esports team and have made some very close friends through that program. By joining esports, I have also had the opportunity to join a community outside of Concordia by going to local tournaments. I have met incredible players through this program.
What is your favorite spot on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is the cafeteria, I have made many great memories talking with friends in the café.
What drew you to Concordia?
Throughout grade school and in high school numerous teachers who have guided me to where I am now have gone to CUAA. I want to become a pastor and Concordia offered many skills needed for going into the ministry and to set me up for the Seminary.
What has been your favorite class here at CUAA and why?
Family life ministry seminar. I was able to take a one-on-one class with Professor Kittleman and learned a lot about personal interactions through that class. I learned about the importance of bringing faith from church on Sunday into everyday family life.
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This program offers a Master of Divinity with a focus on applied theology, providing a fundamental understanding of Scriptures and Lutheran doctrine. Concordia, affiliated with The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, welcomes students from any denomination aspiring to prepare for the pastoral office. The dedicated theology faculty guides students through the program, and studies culminate in a senior seminar, preparing students for graduate studies by allowing them to research and present on a specific topic of interest.