“You guys have a break in classes for chapel?!?” my friends from other universities often ask me. At Concordia University Ann Arbor, we do things a little differently.
Many CUAA students will be quick to share that among the list of reasons they chose CUAA is the strong spiritual community on campus. I experienced it the first time I ever visited, a slightly nervous, junior in high school from Brooklyn, New York. Stepping into the Chapel of the Holy Trinity for the first time, I was in awe, and by the end of the service that day, I was thankful. I was thankful that God had shown me a community of believers who would spiritually support and pray for me.
As students at CUAA, we see that daily. We experience the blessings of scripture and prayer, and it doesn’t only happen in chapel. The opportunities for spiritual growth on campus continue to grow.
Here are five ways you can get involved each week.
1. Tuesday Night Worship
Every Tuesday at 10 p.m. we gather in the Kreft Recital Hall for a time of prayer and praise. It is student organized and each week’s band is a little different. TNW, as we call it, is an opportunity to really grow in community as there is plenty of time before and after to talk to friends.
2. Wednesday Evening Prayer/Communion
Also taking place at 10 p.m. (we’re a late night crowd over here), we follow the order of Evening Prayer, meeting in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. We sing, pray and reflect on God’s Word at the end of the day. Once a month we also have the opportunity to receive forgiveness through the sacrament of Holy Communion. Having a time outside of the rush of the day to pray is helpful to reflect and be still before Jesus.
3. Monday Morning Matins
Early on Monday mornings we gather in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity to participate in the Order of Matins. An opportunity to chant psalms, sing hymns, hear the Word, and pray. Though 7:45 a.m. is early for most college students, there isn’t a better way to start the day than reading the Word of God!
4. Friday Office of None
On Fridays at 3:05 p.m., in remembrance of our Lord’s death, we sing, and chant the psalms in the Chapel, a meditative end to our school week.
5. The Gathering
On Sunday evenings, The Gathering is a chance for praise and to hear the Word of God reflected on by a speaker. Joining together in the evening of the first day of the week helps us to prepare our minds for the week ahead.
— Esther Schulze is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Art. She will graduate in 2020.
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