Dear Concordians, Words cannot express my feelings as I write this letter, but I’ll try anyway.

Deeply grateful. Incredibly honored. Proud yet humbled. Blessed by the privilege to serve as the president’s wife as we prepare the next generation for service to Christ in the Church and the world! I feel all of this because of you. The support, encouragement, and love you have given Pat and me over the past four years (two decades at CUW) has sustained, uplifted, and inspired us. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

Words cannot express how we felt 20 years ago, July 2, 1997, when we received the call that Pat was chosen to be president of CUW. I’ll try anyway. Shocked. Scared. Numb. Excited. At 38 years old, with no administrative experience he was an underdog. As the presidential election process winnowed, we were geared up for a cross-country move to Texas, where Pat had already accepted a new position. Our house was sold! Needless to say, that phone call put into motion a whirlwind of unexpected change that, frankly, we had no idea how to handle. We could only trust in God’s plan for our lives and how He would use Pat’s leadership role to fulfill His purpose.

Words cannot express how proud I am of Pat, but, again, I’ll try anyway. Over the years, I’ve watched him solve complex problems and sticky situations with great integrity and strength. I’ve witnessed his tenacity, humility, and patience. He is steadfast, disciplined, and visionary. His faith is active in love! One cannot count the number of times Pat has encouraged, comforted, and inspired others through the Gospel message. He is a loving and devoted husband, father, and grandpa. Our family is his highest priority, and we feel it every day. He is our rock. He is our friend.

My words fall short of adequately describing our journey at Concordia, but that’s okay because all that matters is God’s Word. His Word is the foundation upon which Concordia is built, and our mission is grounded in Scripture. Over the course of the next 20 years, presidents (and spouses) will come and go, but God’s Word will remain. God’s Word, made flesh in Jesus Christ, is the heart and soul of everything we do!

In His Name,
Dr. Tamara Ferry
President’s Wife
Director of Institutional Research

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