Isabelle Arnold, a senior theatre student, shares her experience from the 2nd Annual Cabaret Fundraiser.

Tonight was the night. The 2nd Annual Cabaret Fundraiser was about to begin, and I was the opening act. My heart was racing as my friends told me to breathe and that I was going to do great. Then, I heard my name called. As I rose to take the stage, I felt a wave of peace wash over me as I remembered I got to do what I love with the people I love. I was singing “I Have A Dream” from Mamma Mia, a song chosen for me by our beloved director Amanda Williams.
I said one final prayer and stepped in front of the piano to begin. When the music began, I felt all the nerves float away, as they always do once I step on stage. As I sang, I looked out at all of the wonderful supporters of our amazing Theatre Program, lovingly smiled at my family, and appreciated the encouraging nods from my fellow theatre students, professors, and directors. When I finished singing and returned to my seat, I was so thankful to the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to not only use my gifts in this manner but to do it surrounded by people that I cherish.
Throughout the night, there were many great performances, such as “Mr. Cellophane” by Dr. Chappuis, “Agony” by James Wilson and Daniel Adams, “A Part of That” by Hollie Johnson, “Everything to Win” by Elijah Boye, and so many more. CUAA Theatre does a wonderful job of uplifting every student to help them realize their full potential. Being a part of this department has given me so much confidence in myself and my abilities.

Want in?
The 2nd Annual Theatre Cabaret Fundraiser took place Saturday, April 20, 2024, in the Black Box Theatre at the Kreft Center for the Arts. This annual fundraiser is a formal evening including dinner and a variety of performances from not only CUAA Theatre students but staff as well. If you’d like more information on how to support the Theatre Department at CUAA please email Amanda Williams at amanda.williams@cuaa.edu.
—This story is written by Isabelle Arnold, Social Media Assistant for Concordia University Ann Arbor. Isabelle Arnold is a senior and scholarship recipient of the Theatre Department and will graduate from CUAA in December 2024 with a degree in Digital Media Design. You can reach her at isabelle.arnold@student.cuaa.edu.