Meet Brandon Crayne (’20), a current 4th/5th Grade Special Education Teacher at Detroit Academy.

As a graduate of an undergrad program at Concordia University Ann Arbor, what inspired you to return to Concordia for your graduate work?

I wanted to return to CUAA for my graduate work because I had such a good undergrad experience filled with much support from faculty and staff. My Bachelors program did a fantastic job of preparing me to be a new teacher.

How has the Masters with Teacher Certification graduate program best prepared you to work with students in the classroom?

The Master’s program thus far has done a good job of further preparing me by having beneficial discussions with other educators. I also am learning new things in the classes from the readings and assignments that I can use in my everyday career in the classroom.

How has Concordia supported you in fulfilling your vocational calling?

My professors and coordinator have always been a huge support for me by always being available to answer any questions or have a discussion when I could use some advice.

What makes you an Uncommon educator?

What makes me an Uncommon educator is that I put my relationships with my students above everything else. Before I even make it a priority for them to learn, I want to make sure they are in the right mindset to learn. They need to be prepared mentally as a human being before they can be prepared as a student. My students appreciate that I build relationships and they then respect me as a leader which allows for everything else to fall into place.

Why should other Concordia graduates pursue this program?

Other Concordia graduates should pursue this program because of the community that is built within the classes that can create career-long relationships. This can be a tremendous help in your life.  It’s also rewarding to help other students grow as learners and human beings.

Related: Brandon’s uncommon grad story from 2020.

Related: Learn more about the Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction with Elementary Teacher Certification and Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction with Secondary Teacher Certification programs.

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The School of Education offers program emphases in urban, international, and emerging education through four distinct undergraduate departments and eleven graduate programs.