Campus Ministry leaders have selected "Unchanging" as Concordia University Ann Arbor's academic year theme for 2020-21, based on Hebrews 13:8, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Campus Pastor Rev. Randall Duncan (’88) noted this theme was unanimously chosen by six Campus Ministry student leaders. Duncan served as Director of Campus Ministry before being named Campus Pastor in January 2019.
“One of the extreme joys I have as we near the end of the academic year is gathering a ‘theme team’ to prayerfully develop a campus theme for the next academic year,” said Duncan.
Initial ideas were presented during Zoom meetings in mid-April according to Duncan, who indicated he is so looking forward to preaching on Unchanging.
“While everything seems so unstable and so changing in this world, we look to the One who does not change and to the unchanging blessings He gives of love, peace, joy and forgiveness,” affirmed Duncan.
Last year’s academic theme was Embrace(d) based on Luke 15:20.
Learn more about CUAA’s Campus Ministry here.
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