We're kicking off what would have been CIT weekend with a look back at recent years' tournaments.
This is the first year in CIT history that the tournament has had to be canceled. No small thing considering CIT’s 69-year run has earned it a spot among the longest-running college basketball tournaments in the nation.
Since its inception, the Concordia Invitational Tournament has annually brought together the men’s and women’s basketball teams of Concordia Ann Arbor, Wisconsin, Chicago, and Nebraska for some friendly competition. Hordes of Cardinal fans regularly turn out for the weekend, whether home base for that year is right in our own backyard or hundreds of miles away in Seward, Nebraska.
While COVID-19 may have benched this year’s festivities, that doesn’t mean we can’t still celebrate—and reminisce about what makes it great.
Here are a few of the times from recent years that have kept the Cardinal fandom for CIT alive.
That time President Ferry put on “the helmet” at CIT 2020…
That time in 2019 when CUAA Dance won their first CIT title (the second year of the newly added CIT Cheer and Dance Competition) …
Any time the CUAA cheer team gets into an impressive formation, proving why they’re the three-time (and all-time) reigning CIT Cheer champs…
…I mean… look at that height! Cardinals fly high!
Any time P. Ry leads a student section cheer (We can hear it from here: “C-U….A-A!”) …
All the times our student section signs have spoken for themselves…
Any time the pep band plays, but especially in 2019 when the CUAA tubas joined the CUNE pep band for some extra baseline in “Hey, Baby”…
Any of the nail-biting moments or overall intensity of play shown by student-athletes (Without them, there’d be no CIT!) …
Any time a campus leader hits the halftime show (That 2019 halftime show featuring moves from AD Lonnie Pries, VP Ryan, and Prez Ferry, am I right?) …
That time we stormed the court (The men’s championship title in 2018 is a weekend we’ll never forget. Peep Coach Yahn’s lucky red blazer in the bottom right corner!) …
Any of the times we’ve taken good-natured jabs at our own university (CUW), always recognizing that, in the end, we’re in it together…
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