FWW 2019

At the beginning of each academic year Concordia University Ann Arbor hosts a weekend-long event for new incoming students.

That event is Fall Welcome Weekend (FWW), and it’s almost here.

Concordia’s newest crew of Cardinals will join together with returning students, staff, and faculty to become better acquainted with the ins-and-outs of the university, prepare in detail for the fall semester, and meet new people within the Concordia community.

AUGUST 20-23: Click here for a complete Fall Welcome Weekend schedule. (Moving in early? We have pre-FWW events planned for Aug. 18-19, too!)


Scan this QR code with your smart phone to download the FWW 2020 Schedule!

New students, here are five things you can expect from Fall Welcome Weekend 2020:

You will get to know more about Concordia.

This is your new home! Fall Welcome Weekend is a unique opportunity to familiarize yourself with campus, get pro tips from upperclassmen, and prepare for the launch of a new semester. You can ask questions, figure out where your classrooms are, and learn more about your new city, one of the best college towns in the nation—Ann Arbor!

You will make new friends.

This is hands down one of the best reasons and outcomes to be involved in FWW events. The weekend schedule is geared toward getting to know both new students and returning students. Upperclassmen will tell you, some of their best friends today are people they met during FWW!

You will have fun.

Download the schedule above for a peek into the weekend’s events. Between Playfair (think MASSIVE ice-breakers), The Cardinal Cup (a beloved annual competition tradition), and chill events like bonfires and T-time, we know you’re going to have a good time. Did we mention LOTS of free food?

You will stay safe.

Please know that we have recognized the unique circumstances we are under due to COVID-19. The Student Events teams has diligently thought through each event with the CDC and state guidelines in mind to ensure all students’ safety during FWW.

You’ll notice on the schedule a lot of outdoor events, increased meal windows, to-go options, and more to help make this happen.

You will officially become a CUAA Cardinal.

Having fun and making friends is just the beginning. With the launch of move-in and FWW, and beginning fall semester classes, you are now officially a Cardinal. At Concordia, we are each other’s biggest fans. We root each other on, pray for each other, and lend a helping hand when needed. CUAA is Christ-centered institution that values service, excellence, truth, and integrity.

Now, you’re a part of that, too. Welcome to the CUAA family!

Don’t forget to check-in for FWW once you get to campus! As noted on the schedule FWW check-in is available on Central Campus on August 19 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.) and August 20 (10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Do you have more questions about 2020 Fall Welcome Weekend? Reach out to Student Events & Career Engagement Coordinator Alisha Anderson at Alisha.Anderson@cuaa.edu or 734-995-7508.

— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.

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