Hip hop, poetry, digital portfolios, and the Flint water-crisis are all elements of the spring 2021 Kreft Arts Program virtual event line-up.
The Kreft Arts Program at Concordia University Ann Arbor strives to inspire the artistic, intellectual, and creative experiences of our students and community.
Please join us this spring as we celebrate the arts and learn outside of the classroom, made possible through the generous support of Karl and Shirley Kreft.
All of the spring 2021 events will be held virtually, through a Zoom webinar format. Each event link shares specific access details.
Book Club and Author Session for What the Eyes Don’t See
February 10, 4-5 p.m. ET: Book recap and discussion (Zoom link)
February 17, 4-5 p.m. ET: Author session with Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha (Zoom link)
Dr. Hanna-Attisha is the whistler blower of the Flint water crisis. In her memoir, What the Eyes Don’t See, she documents her research on the water crisis and the backlash she faced when she went public with the truth.
Click here for event details or to save this event to your calendar. Download promotional monitor slide and Instagram slide.
Related: CUAA to host author session with Flint water-crisis whistle blower
Poetry Reading and Q&A with poet José Olivarez
March 17, 6-7:15 p.m. ET
José Olivarez is the son of Mexican immigrants and grew up on the southside of Chicago. In his poetry, he explores the societal biases, border crossings, and other pertinent issues of ethnicity, gender, class, and race. This event is not to be missed!
Click here for event details or to save this event to your calendar. Download promotional monitor slide and Instagram slide.
How to Design and Organize a Digital Portfolio with Brad Ackerman
April 7, 6-7:30 p.m. ET
Brad Ackerman of Hook, a creative production industry, will run a workshop about how to design and organize a digital portfolio.
Students in art, digital media design, theater, communication, sport and event management, and public relations are all encouraged to attend, especially those going on the job market or looking for internships. This event will be co-hosted with the CUAA’s Career Engagement and Industry Relations (CEIR).
Click here for event details or to save this event to your calendar. Download promotional monitor slide and Instagram slide.
Hip Hop and Christian Conversion Narratives
April 19, 7-8 p.m. ET
CUAA welcomes home one of our own! Alumnus Rev. Trevor Sutton will present on his current research in which he analyzes contemporary Christian hip-hop lyrics through an ancient rhetorical lens.
Click here for event details or to save this event to your calendar. Download promotional monitor slide and Instagram slide.
Fifth House Ensemble Deep Listening Jam
May 6, 6-8 p.m. ET
Deep Listening has transformed Fifth House Ensemble’s creative and social impact work, connecting us to ourselves and to others in ways we could not have imagined. Deep Listening practice can provide a space for peace, reflection, and fun through listening, moving, and sounding. Join as they share how to bring these rituals into our everyday routine.
Click here for event details and click here to join the Deep Listening Jam on Zoom.
View all of CUAA’s upcoming events at cuaa.edu/events. For questions or more information on the Kreft Arts Program, please contact Dr. Erin Laverick, Assistant Vice President of Academics.
— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.
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