Meet Maikala Swanson (’19), a current third-grade teacher at Plymouth Scholars.

As a graduate of an undergrad program at Concordia University Ann Arbor, what inspired you to return to Concordia for your graduate work?

During my undergraduate program, I can honestly say I had the best college experience. I gained lifelong friends, the professors were outstanding and I enjoyed adding faith into my work! I came back because I felt I want to support the school to continue their work with the students to grow in their faith in education, as well as my appreciation for the school’s professors!

How has the Masters with Teacher Certification graduate program best prepared you to work with students in the classroom?

The Masters with Teacher Certification graduate program best prepared me to work with the students by giving me the materials and resources that I actually use in the classroom. I also learned how to create different learning methods in the classroom and how to properly ensure the students are understanding the content.

How has Concordia supported you in fulfilling your vocational calling?

Concordia has supported me with fulfilling my vocational calling through communication, care and excitement. The professors are excited for me each step I take closer to completing the course, they give honest feedback and mention when I need to work on something and they also let me know when what I have created would be perfect for the classroom and my students!

What makes you an Uncommon educator?

I am an Uncommon educator because I bring faith into my work. I use it to guide me through tough times in the classroom, pray over students before the day begins and lastly to pray over my lessons to ensure they are reaching the students or to see if I need to do something different.

Why should other Concordia graduates pursue this program?

Other Concordia graduates should pursue this program because it is an effective program. The director and professors are flexible and understanding and they encourage your work in the classroom too. I am also learning a lot that I would not have known without this program. You need experience and the resources to be a great teacher and this program will equip you with these things.

Related: Learn more about the Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction with Elementary Teacher Certification and Master of Science in Curriculum & Instruction with Secondary Teacher Certification programs.

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The School of Education offers program emphases in urban, international, and emerging education through four distinct undergraduate departments and eleven graduate programs.