Lace up your running shoes and hit the track (or pavement) for a run on Monday, April 26!
As a part of Ferry Fest—a week-long celebration of Concordia’s outgoing president Rev. Patrick T. Ferry, PhD—students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends are invited to participate in a milestone run, running in his honor on Monday, April 26, 2021.
Whether it’s one lap on the track (0.25 miles) or a five-mile trail run, let us know how far you’re planning to run on April 26 as a tribute to President Ferry. We’ll keep a running total!
Upon the completion of his run on Monday, April 26, students, faculty, and staff will gather at CUAA’s Thunder Sports Complex to cheer on President Ferry as he completes his daily run. At the finish line, he will be shown this list of all who ran as a tribute to him that day.
Ferry Fest Running Total (April 26, 2021)
4 miles: Alli Unger
5 miles: Charles Schulz
5 miles: John Boonenberg
5 miles: Linda Sproul
6 miles: John Richert
2 miles: Sarah Thurmond
3.5 miles: Annette Skibbe
26.2 miles: Ryan Peterson
4 miles: Hannah Meineke
All pledges will be added here!
Running total: 60.7 miles
Last updated 4/26 at 9:00 a.m.
Learn more about Ferry Fest at cuaa.edu/ferryfest.
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