In celebration of Ann Arbor’s bicentennial anniversary, Concordia invites community members to schedule a tour to view the ‘Moments in Time’ art exhibit on its campus.
This year marks the bicentennial of the city of Ann Arbor. What better way to celebrate Ann Arbor today than to remember what it was when it first began?
Many of the well-known buildings that lined Ann Arbor’s streets in the 19th century are no longer standing, or they have since taken on a new sheen. However, residents can catch a glimpse of A2’s cityscape of the past at Concordia University Ann Arbor.
About the exhibit
On display in Concordia’s Earhart Manor is a rare collection of 33 oil paintings by American artist Daniel K. Gregory. Each piece depicts an iconic Ann Arbor home, school structure, commercial building, or city scene in the 1800s.
Dr. James “Jim” Irwin, a retired University of Michigan faculty member and Ann Arbor business owner, commissioned Gregory in the late 1990s to paint the collection. Gregory relied heavily upon meticulous research that Irwin had conducted over the span of seven years, including diving into the University of Michigan archival library to pull historic photographs of Ann Arbor.
In 2018, Irwin gifted the collection, called “Moments in Time,” to Concordia. It was the first time the paintings were made available for public viewing. This fall, to add to the experience, Irwin donated headsets with a pre-recorded audio tour. He timed the donation to coincide with the city of Ann Arbor’s bicentennial celebrations in 2024.
Irwin said he chose CUAA as a recipient—even though there was plenty of interest from other area universities—because he believes in Concordia’s mission. His hope is that the collection will further solidify the Lutheran campus as an integral part of the Ann Arbor community.
“I think the mission of Concordia is as good as it comes within higher education,” Irwin said. “If you want to get your heart warm, walk through campus and talk to a Concordian.”
Featured on Ann Arbor public television
One of the oldest access television operations in the country, CTN, stopped by Concordia’s campus to capture the Moments in Time art gallery opening reception. Click here or on the image below to watch their coverage.

Want in?
Those who would like to view the exhibit may reserve a time by emailing ConcordiaGuild@cuaa.edu. A freewill donation of $10 is suggested. Gifts will go toward supporting the historical preservation of the Manor and scholarship funds for CUAA students.