There’s always more to learn about Concordia University Ann Arbor! To keep you on your toes, here are just a few fun (and a bit random) facts about the campus we all know and love.
A few fun facts
Hearts together – across the country
If you didn’t already know, the meaning of Concordia is “hearts together”. However, we do not only have hearts together here in Ann Arbor, MI. There are nine Concordia colleges located across the United States. Do you know them all?
Campus details
Did you know that there are three sculptures on central campus that all have historical or religious significance? Everyone knows about Martin Luther, but do you know about the other two?

Location, location, location
It’s no joke that CUAA has one of the most ideal locations in the state. Concordia’s campus is located in the middle of two college towns only 4.6 miles to Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, MI, and 3.3 miles to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.

Names we know and names we don’t
There are 16 residence halls on campus, each bearing the name of a biblical figure. Do you know the name significance of your dorm? We do. Click here to find out.

Doing the math
A step in the right direction
The average student takes roughly 63 steps from the Chapel’s west doors to the Café. This is the path most commonly taken by students after Daily Chapel as they head to lunch in the Café.
Blink and you’ll miss it
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, classes are 50 minutes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, classes are 75 minutes and night classes are 180 minutes. This means that the average student on campus will blink 750 times per class on MWF, 1,125 times on T/Th, and 2,700 times at night classes… Don’t get self-conscious.

The cost of skipping class
Every student is tempted to skip, but have you ever considered the cost (parents this is for you)? Before scholarships, CUAA undergraduate tuition is $16,875 for 12-18 credits. The average student takes 15 credits a semester, so roughly five classes total, each three credits. This makes each credit $1,125, and each class $3,375. Over a fifteen-week semester, each week of class will cost you $225 and if you meet twice a week, that’s $112.50 per class, or meeting three times a week, that’s $75.
Long story short – don’t give away your money – go to class!
Have you spotted these?
Reign it in, Earhart!
H.B. Earhart, the owner of the Earhart Manor had a horse named The Major who lived from 1922-1932. You can still find the place where Earhart buried his horse in the woods on East Campus.

Watch your step
There is one tunnel on campus that connects the first floor of Kreft to the basement of the Chapel.

Cross these off your list
There are three wooden crosses in the woods on the East side of campus. Have you seen these? If not, take a walk!

Want in?
Concordia University Ann Arbor is a Lutheran higher education community committed to helping students develop in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world. Click on the link below to learn more.