Editor's note: "An uncommon Advent: the arrival of a Savior in our lives" is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the Concordia University Ann Arbor and Wisconsin community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God's Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound anticipation and zeal through the Holy Spirit.
December 22 – The plans He has in motion of which I am not yet aware
Isaiah 43:1-24 and Revelation 9:13-10:11
I am the family master planner. I like to determine the “who, what, where,and when” of events and goings-on. With that introduction, I would like to share a story about one set of my best-laid plans and how they do not always pan out as I expect.
In the Advent season of 1999, I was eight months pregnant and excited about the upcoming Christmas celebration. I had mapped out plans for this special time with my usual checklist: church times, friend gatherings, house decorations, and nativity set up, and special foods to make for time together to celebrate of the birth of Jesus. And that year, I also was busy planning for our new bundle of joy, arranging the nursery and making sure everything would be ready for his or her arrival at the end of January. My plans were all falling into place.
Yet, all those plans changed early Christmas Eve morning. My water broke,and I went into labor. This was not supposed to happen yet. The crib was not ready, the rocker had not arrived yet…and what about Christmas?! This was not part of my plan, and I was afraid and anxious.
While not part of my plan, on that Christmas Eve morning, we welcomed our son into this world. He is an absolute gift from God and loved beyond measure. As I reflect on that day and so many others since then, I recognize how God gives me a nudge and a reminder of who, in fact, establishes the master plan, who is always with me, and what is truly important.
While I still am the family planner, I have grown more aware to watch and listen for signs of His plan for me. Isaiah says, Do not be afraid-I will save you. I have called you by name-you are mine(Isaiah 43:1). In the days of Advent—and all of the days I my life—I embrace this reminder that I am His child and can even give thanks for the plans that He has in motion of which I am not yet aware.
In just a few days, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus, the One who lived on this earth and died for us so that we could have eternal life. Now, that is amaster plan that will never fail!
Sarah Pecor is the Assistant Vice President of Extended Campus Operations and has served at Concordia since 1990. View a full schedule of “An uncommon Advent” readings here.
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