And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I! Send me. Isaiah 6:8
On April 28 and 29, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne celebrated Call Day 2020. This annual celebration was held online for the first time in its multi-decade history.
Second year seminary students receive their vicarage and internship assignments and fourth year students receive their first calls to serve as pastors and deaconesses in Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations throughout the country.
We congratulate and celebrate with our most recent crop of Concordia University Ann Arbor alumni who received their placements and calls this week. We pray the Lord’s blessings on their ministry work ahead.
Among those who learned of their pastoral calls are:
Jakob Andrzejewski, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Royal Oak, Michigan
A CUAA alumna also learned of her deaconess internship placement:
Alexandria Shick, Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church, Oviedo, Florida
Those who received vicarage placements include:
Dane Breitung, St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Laramie, Wyoming
Travis Henry, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pierce, Nebraska
Alarik Morris, Saint Mark Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas
Samuel Shick, Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church, Oviedo, Florida
See pastoral calls and vicarage placements for the alumni of Concordia’s Wisconsin campus.
Click here for a complete list of all Concordia Seminary, St. Louis assignments of calls and internships.
Click here for a complete list of all Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne assignments of calls and internships.
Revisit Call Day calls and placements from recent years:
We pray for all students considering church work vocations, and encourage those who would like to refer a prospective student to CUAA’s pre-seminary program to connect with Director of Pre-Seminary Studies Rev. Ted Hopkins, PhD. Learn more about CUAA’s pre-seminary program.
— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.
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