As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. —1 Peter 4:10
We congratulate our most recent group of Concordia University Ann Arbor alumni who have received calls or designations to serve in ministry settings. We pray the Lord’s blessings in their vocations.
Related: Tim Tebow delivers inspiring keynote address at CUAA virtual commencement
The following Class of 2020 graduates (May and December) will be or are educators in Lutheran schools or parish musicians and family life educators in the church. A few recent graduates will also be continuing their education at seminary, pursuing the Lord’s call to become pastors.
These graduates will play a vital role in giving testament to God’s love through Christ to their communities.
Lutheran Education
Emmi (Schulze) Forbes (Grace Chapel, St. Louis, Missouri)
Alexandra Spear (St. Paul Lutheran School, Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Kalera Rahn (Call process)
Jennifer Smith (Trinity Lutheran School, Utica, Michigan)
Amber Streeter (ISJ Lutheran Academy, Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Family Life Education
Amanda Ressler (St. Paul Lutheran Church, Trenton, Michigan)
Celia Walkowicz (Our Savior Lutheran Church, Nashville, Tennessee)
Hannah (Biermann) Knehans (Trinity Lutheran Church, Springfield, Missouri)
Family Life Education – Completing internships
Alexandra Brown
Matthew Osborne
Parish Music
Angela Knicklebein (St. Mark Houston, Houston, Texas)
Jessica Russ (The Bridge Church, Spring Hill, Tennesee)
Conner Forbes (’19)
Morgan Garrett
Sean McNeil
Ryan Curtis
Learn more about Concordia University Ann Arbor church work programs.
— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.
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