CUAA Church Work

Concordia University Ann Arbor Directory of Pre-Seminary Rev. Ted Hopkins, PhD gives monthly updates on church work programs including Applied Theology, Biblical Studies, Christian Thought, Family Life Ministry, Lutheran Teaching Diploma, Parish Music, Pre-seminary, Pre-deaconess, and Theological Languages.

In the midst of Holy Week, I bring you greetings in the name of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ. As you celebrate his passion and anticipate his glorious resurrection, I pray that you would be filled by his Spirit and led to be faithful to his mission!

Mind, Body, Spirit

Here at CUAA, we strive to help church work students grow in mind, body, and spirit to follow in the same mission of the Lord Jesus in the church and in the world. Our students are passionate about the Gospel of Jesus, and they want to share that good news with others. Our classes help with this as they learn the story of the Scripture, the details of the Old and New Testament, and the fundamentals of Christian doctrine. Other classes help them to proclaim the Gospel or understand how justification is that doctrine upon which the church stands or falls.

Mentorship from the start

My favorite program that helps students grow in ministry is STEPS. This is not only for our pre-seminary and pre-deaconess students, but also for our family life ministry and parish music students. Students are paid to be interns in churches where they are mentored by pastors or church leaders and get involved practically in the ministry of the church. This is a unique CUAA program, and it really sets our ministry programs apart from many others.

Interested in supporting?

If you would like to support the work of our church work students, we have a new endowment for pre-seminary students that is just getting off the ground. I’d love to talk to you about giving to that endowment. In addition, you can support the STEPS program financially or by becoming a site where students can work and be mentored. Finally, as always, I ask for your prayers and for you to send potential students my way!

Your partner in the Gospel,

Rev. Ted Hopkins, PhD

CUAA Pre-Seminary Director

Previous CUAA church work updates:

March 2021

February 2021

January 2021

So, you want to become a church worker? Learn more about CUAA’s Church Work programs.

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