Concordia University Ann Arbor has notched a spot among the top Christian and academic schools in the nation, as designated by the “Colleges of Distinction” and “Colleges of Christian Distinction” guidebooks for 2018.
A letter from the Colleges of Distinction organization describes Concordia’s curriculum as being enriched with the kind of high-impact education practices that are most crucial for student development.
In order to be designated a College of Distinction, a school’s curriculum must emphasize core competencies like critical thinking, writing, oral skills, research and global perspectives, and must include out-of-classroom learning and study abroad programs.
High school counselors and educators submit nominations and each school is evaluated on key indicators including student engagement, teaching, community, and outcomes. Colleges that have distinguished themselves in each of the four distinctions and that have demonstrated dedication to enriching student outcomes through innovative learning opportunities are selected as Colleges of Distinction.
The annual process to select the nation’s Colleges of Distinction also includes a review of each institution’s freshman experience, as well as its general education program, strategic plan and alumni success and satisfaction measures.
For more information about Colleges of Distinction, click here: Colleges of Distinction.
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