Assistant Professor of Psychology Frank Rubino, MS, breaks down a few tips for keeping resolutions you’ve made in 2023.

The New Year is the perfect opportunity to reset and recommit yourself to healthy habitswhether it is being more intentional about connecting with family, starting an exercise routine, or committing to better study habits.

However, the hardest part of New Year’s resolutions is keeping them! Here are a few tips about how to choose attainable resolutions and ways to stick to them.


Choose resolutions that are achievable. Too often we get excited about the New Year and we make resolutions that aren’t likely for us to achieve and we get discouraged after a few days and give up. Setting resolutions like “I’m going to lose 30 pounds” or “I’m going to make all A’s” may be a bit of a stretch. Maybe losing a few pounds or improving grades overall.


Make sure resolutions are measurable. If we let our resolutions become too vague, we may lose track of them. Perhaps something like “I’ll walk for 10 minutes per day.” This is measurable, doable, and something that can be built on.

Start small

Setting a goal like flossing one tooth per night is good because once you’ve started a task like flossing one tooth, you’ll probably floss the rest. However, if you start off with the mindset that you’ll floss them all, you may not bother to start. Start small and let inertia carry you further.


Try to make different goals. Try to make resolutions in different areas. Perhaps a physical one, an academic one, a spiritual one, and a relational one will work better than just one goal. Sometimes when we set small goals in different areas, we can see improvements in different areas at once and that will encourage us to continue.

Personal accountability

Get a resolution partner. We are more apt to continue a resolution if we have an accountability partner. We may not feel like going to the gym to work out, but if we have a workout partner pulling us, we are far more likely to go and keep going.

Ask God for help

Finally, ask God for help! Don’t stop trying – especially when we quit. Don’t give up on the resolution. Keep trying and keep asking God for guidance and strength!

Want in?

Do you have an interest in human behavior and want to be equipped to make a positive impact in others’ lives? A psychology degree from Concordia will equip you to do just that from a distinctly Christian lens!

— Frank Rubino, MS – Clinical Psychology, is an assistant professor of social sciences at CUAA. He is not only a faculty member in the psychology department but is also a practicing clinical psychologist.