After whirlwind changes to the spring semester, Concordia University Ann Arbor students are eager to return to campus and start a new semester with a fresh perspective.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us, Concordia students included. The spring semester was cut short (in person), which meant we lost time with friends, in classrooms, on teams, and in ensembles. We never would have guessed that all of these things could so easily be taken from us.
However, with the fall semester only weeks away, we’ll be stepping back on campus with a new perspective towards what was lost in the spring.
We asked on CUAA social media for students to share with us something that they will not take for granted this coming semester (and in the semesters to come!)
Four categories seemed to appear while as we sorted through what students shared with us. Take a look!
- Daily Chapel (@_jonathan_jackson_)
- Being able to come together and worship!! (@elysia.stephenson)
- Fellowship (@mrhistorian76)
- Hanging out with other people and making new friendships! (@tina.ruth)
- Being able to practice with my team (@andrewskii__)
- My time with my friends (@samie_kay02)
- Seeing friends everyday (@sydneymchila)
- The quesadillas at the nest (@notteagen)
- Being back in classes in person (@b_ford_music)
- Staying in the dorms (@janahkimmel)
- Students dropping in to say hi (@kathieprn)
- Being able to sit in a classroom and see my professors in their offices! (@amay_ciszewski_4)
- Going for a walk through campus and saying hi to everyone (@adrianna.rugiero7)
- Sunsets at the docks (@alltheglitter22)
- Spontaneous plans (@silasmccoy)
- Being all back together in one place (@lauren_drinane)
- Finally being HOME (@emileetruhn)
- Community, in any way, shape, or form that we are able to be together (@zanesimon)
- Our CUAA family (@shawlfilmandphoto)
We are all eager to be in community with one another. In only a matter of days that longing will be brought to an end when classes begin on August 24! We look forward to welcoming each other back with open arms… Well, open arms; six feet apart.
— This story is written by Allie Milot, social media manager for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at alexandria.milot@cuaa.edu or 734-995-7403.
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