Earlier this week, 17 students were inducted into the School of Education, while 8 students were sent out to complete their student teaching.
Welcoming future educators
Every semester, CUAA’s School of Education accepts students who have committed to becoming either Elementary or Secondary teachers. They complete a variety of assignments and key assessments throughout the semester that prepare them for upper-level courses within the School of Education.

This semester, 17 students were welcomed into the School of Education and were celebrated at a special welcoming breakfast, where they received a gift and each inductee got to hang their photos on the SOE wall alongside other current students and alumni inside of Krieger Hall.
Harmon Devries – Secondary Social Studies
Hannah Duchene – K-12 Health and PE
Hollie Johnson – Elementary (LTD*)
Lena Korte – K-12 Health and PE
Abigail Landskroener – Elementary (LTD*)
Payton Lewis – Elementary
Megan Martin – Elementary
Nya Martinez – Secondary Social Studies
Julia McGuire – Elementary (LTD*)
Evan Neff – Elementary
Megan Neumann – Elementary
Bradley Oltersdorf – Secondary Integrated Science
Aaron Ortega – Secondary Social Studies
Ryan Robinson – Secondary Social Studies
Paige Staton – Elementary (LTD*)
Quinn Stefanski – Elementary (LTD*)
Caitlyn Traviglia – Elementary
* Note: LTD stands for Lutheran Teaching Diploma

Sending the next generation
In addition to welcoming future teachers into the SOE, CUAA is excited to send out the next generation of educators (5 elementary candidates and 3 secondary candidates) to their student teaching roles in the fall. These students were celebrated and prayed over this week at the School of Education Sending Service.
Jarrett Batanian – Secondary Math (not present)
Jonathan Jackson – Elementary
Henry Knapp – Elementary (not present)
John Markiewicz – Elementary
Hanna Volz – Elementary (LTD*)
Aaron West – Secondary Math (not present)
Payton Woodruff – Elementary (LTD*)

Want in?
The Concordia University Ann Arbor School of Education offers several education programs in undergraduate, graduate, state of Michigan endorsements, and more. Depending on the program, courses are offered both face-to-face and in an online 8-week format to serve your career goals at every step.