Are you a current or incoming student at Concordia University Ann Arbor looking for a church home? Look no further! Here are eight Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod congregations near campus.
Listed from closest to furthest away from CUAA’s campus, here are eight LCMS churches that are no more than 20 minutes away.
St. Paul Lutheran Church (School Main Campus), Ann Arbor
1 minute away
As the closest option, St. Paul “up the road”, as some refer to it, is the perfect church home for students who may not have transportation while living on campus. The Lutheran school that is located at St. Paul is also a great location for Concordia students to not only attend church but also work during the week as teacher’s assistants or get their practicum hours in the classroom.
St. Luke, Ann Arbor
4 minutes away
A quick drive from campus, St. Luke is a well-established church on the East side of Ann Arbor. Like many Lutheran churches in the area, St. Luke has both a traditional and contemporary worship service for the early risers at 8:30 a.m. and also at 10:15 a.m.
University Lutheran Chapel, Ann Arbor
7 minutes away
University Lutheran Chapel is a well-loved LCMS community only a few minutes from campus. If you come to Chapel on CUAA’s campus during the year, you may have been able to hear the preaching of one or both of the pastors from ULC, Gabe Kasper or Marcus Lane.
Cross and Resurrection – The Chapel at EMU, Ypsilanti
10 minutes away
If you have friends that go to Eastern Michigan University or are living off-campus in the Ypsilanti area, Cross and Resurrection may be a great church home for you. Something unique that they do throughout the school year for students is Friday Night Pancakes, which is a free pancake supper for students from 9 p.m. to midnight.
St. Paul Lutheran Church (Downtown), Ann Arbor
12 minutes away
Located in Downtown Ann Arbor, St. Paul has been an active congregation in the city for over 100 years and has played a part in launching other congregations in the area, including St. Luke in Ann Arbor!
Living Water Lutheran Church, Whitmore Lake
13 minutes away
Living Water is a smaller, Lutheran community, if that is something that reminds you of home. They have a single service at 10:15 a.m. It’s not too early after a late Saturday night and not too late to catch brunch on campus after worship on Sunday.
Peace Lutheran Church, Ann Arbor
17 minutes away
Peace Lutheran Church is located on the far west side of Ann Arbor. This church has three Sunday services, one of which is in the evening at 6 p.m. – a time not a lot of other churches have available if you can’t make it to worship on Sunday morning.
Christ Our King Lutheran Church, Saline
18 minutes away
About 20 minutes south of Concordia’s campus you’ll find Christ Our King Lutheran Church in Saline. For Concordia students, this church is differently lesser-known, but when attending a church off the beaten path, you may find a congregation filled with fewer students and more families and individuals from the area.
No matter where you find yourself on a Sunday morning or throughout the week, it is important that all of our students are spiritually nourished in a church community. For new students especially, take time during the first few weeks on campus to explore the many opportunities you have to attend new churches and meet new people.
Who knows, maybe the church you attend your freshman year will be your new church home for the next four years?
— This story is written by Allie Milot, social media manager for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at alexandria.milot@cuaa.edu or 734-995-7403.
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