This week (Jan. 27—Feb. 2) marks National Lutheran Schools Week in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, providing the network of over 2,000 LCMS preschools, elementary schools and high schools with the public opportunity to proclaim and celebrate God’s work in Lutheran schools.
Lutheran schools are incubators for faithful witness of God’s love through Christ by teachers and students alike. Here at CUAA, we’re grateful for the Kingdom work of our Lutheran elementary and high schools and all of the amazing students they nurture before their arrival on our campus.
This year, for National Lutheran Schools Week, Concordia is taking a moment to highlight just a few of our current CUAA students who are alumni of Midwest Lutheran high schools in order to show some of the proud products of our feeder schools.
Here are just a few reasons Lisi Leger (’19) loves Concordia and why she encourages her Lutheran High School Westland classmates to consider CUAA for their college education.
Meet Lisi Leger.
Lutheran High School Westland (’15)
Early Childhood Education Major (’19)
Why did you choose Concordia University Ann Arbor?
I chose Concordia because of three reasons: it’s a Christian school, it’s not too far yet not too close to home, and when I visited I fell in love with the campus.
Why should someone from Lutheran High Westland choose CUAA?
Going to CUAA has given me so many opportunities that larger schools don’t offer simply for having so many more students. One-on-one attention from professors who actually know your name and care about your well-being is so worth coming here. On the other hand, being relatively close to home does not take away the “going off to college” experience, it is nice to stay connected to home life and be able to go back whenever you need to. Plus, if you forget anything, your family is close enough to bring it to you and visit.
Name one thing you have to try when you become a CUAA Cardinal:
Any sandwich made by Chris!
What has been your favorite experience as a Concordia student thus far?
I have loved getting to know different types of people and gaining friendships that I have no doubt will carry on into the rest of my life. Having such a supporting faculty and staff has been wonderful as well.
— This story is written by Allie Milot, social media manager for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at alexandria.milot@cuaa.edu or 734-995-7403.
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