Get to know CUAA School of Arts and Sciences Administrative Assistant Rachel Orchard!
Orchard has been at CUAA for seven years this August. Before her work as the Administrative Assistant for the School of the Arts and Sciences, she worked in CUAA’s Housekeeping department. Take a moment to get to know some of the lesser-known facts about Rachel Orchard with this quick Q&A!
Rachel Orchard
Administrative Assistant School of Arts and Sciences
How are you most likely spending your free time?
Biking, water activities, and time with my grandkids.
Who was most influential in your career choice?
My mom
Who was the first person (outside of your supervisor) to make you feel welcomed/“at home” at Concordia?
Michelle Slade
Proudest accomplishment?
Employee of the year for CUAA in 2023.
What would you choose to eat for your birthday meal?
Mexican food!
Most-played song or artists on your playlist as of late?
Praise You Anywhere by Brandon Lake
What makes you/keeps you excited about your job at Concordia?
I love working with others that are like minded and focused on connecting others toward Christ.
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