For Concordia University students, faculty, and staff, service is a familiar concept, exemplified proudly by the University’s mission of preparing students for service to Christ in the Church and the world.
Students are encouraged to serve God year-round by lending a helping hand where one is needed.
This year, the University is taking that encouragement one step further by designating one week–-students’ spring break week–-as “Concordia University Week of Service” in order to remind students and others of that mission.
“All of us, no matter what our degree program or career goals, choose to be part of this University because we understand that service is central to our lives as people of God,” said Gretchen Jameson, senior vice president of University Affairs. “Spring Break 2016 is a chance for you to inspire others by sharing where and how you serve. True, you don’t serve for the applause, but your example can inspire someone else to give a little more, serve a little more in the name of Christ.”
In its inaugural year, Concordia University Week of Service, March 12-20, is an event that encourages students from all CU campuses, as well as their fellow community of believers on- and off-campus, to participate in service activities and share their experiences through social media.
The event is a chance for participants to inspire others by showing where and how they serve, said University administrators. The acts can range in shape and size but are all equally important.
“Service is not always the week-long, out-of-the-country activity,” said Steve Taylor, vice president of Student Life in Wisconsin. “Service happens every day at Concordia and this week is meant to highlight that as well as promote action.”
According to Taylor, the idea came from a discussion concerning how to highlight service in a coordinated way.
“Having the connection with the event all online creates a platform that anyone can be part of, no matter where in the world a person is,” Taylor said. “Our hope is that the community embraces this idea and the social media feeds light up with hundreds of actions of service.”
During the week, students have the opportunity to participate in University-sponsored service projects including trips to New Orleans, Appalachia, and Guatemala, but are reminded that acts of service can take place anywhere.
“It is my hope that every student, staff, and faculty member will engage in some form of service this week, knowing it can have an eternal impact,” said Rev. John Rathje, dean of students at CUAA. “Service Week is a wonderful opportunity to explore what it means to serve, to highlight this profound realm of experience, and to walk with others in our life journeys with God.”
For more information on Week of Service and how to share your experiences, click here.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Ann Arbor and Wisconsin. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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