Sami Miller ('20), SGA Treasurer/Chief Organizer, Computer Science Major
What is the main purpose of SGA?
I believe the main purpose of SGA is help fill the gap between students and administrators to help the students have a voice and to help provide fun events for students to meet people
What made you interested in becoming a leader for SGA?
I want to help on campus and be able to help other students
What is your primary role/duties for SGA?
I am treasurer and chief organization officer so I help lead clubs and make sure they are following rules and help students start new clubs and then I am in charge of the budget for SGA.
Why do you think student government is important?
It helps student issues be voiced and helps student get involved
What is one important thing about SGA that you would like everyone to know? (even if you think they might know it already.)
Don’t be afraid to tell student government about issues or ask members questions about our campus we are here to serve the students
What has been your favorite part about your time here at Concordia?
Definitely the part of being able to constantly be a servant of God either on campus through SGA or off campus on mission trips or service project that clubs participate in
What parts of your experience in SGA and Concordia in general do you think you will take with you when you graduate?
Being able to voice my opinions and be able to stand up for what I believe in
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time during the school year?
Definitely my favorite thing is going to trivia Wednesday nights at Applebee’s with other students
Meet the other 2019-20 SGA leaders!
— This story is written by Allie Milot, social media manager for Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. She may be reached at alexandria.milot@cuaa.edu or 734-995-7403.
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