Do you want to get your special education endorsement in Michigan?
Teachers Certified in Special Education are in High Demand
Special education teachers are in high demand. This is partly because of the specialized skills that special education teachers learn during their training. Job outlook is important, but there are other benefits to pursuing a career in this rewarding field. Each and every day, you get to work with students who need your expertise. When you earn an endorsement in special education, you’re expanding your teacher tool kit. Not only are you more marketable, but you have a great set of skills to help all student reach their full potentials.
Special education teachers are advocates
Skilled teachers know their students well, and they also stand up for them. Advocacy can mean approaching administration and making a request. It can mean collaborating with an interdisciplinary team, like parents, psychologists, and/or health professionals to make sure your students’ needs are met. Advocates pay attention to laws being passed and speak up for inclusion and equity. Teach.com states that even starting a book club can be a form of advocacy. Book clubs are great ways to encourage learning and conversations. The more educators and families that are aware of special needs that students have, the more supportive they can be.
How to get certified to teach special education
A certified teacher can get a Special Education Endorsement in Michigan by joining our Graduate Level Special Education Learning Disabilities Program at Concordia University Ann Arbor.
Eight 8-week online courses
The endorsement program consists of eight online courses, plus student teaching. Each course is eight weeks long and the student teaching can usually be done in your own classroom or school.
Earn a master’s with the endorsement
To earn the Master of Science Degree along with the endorsement, you would take two additional courses which are research courses.
Once your coursework is completed, you will need to pass the MTTC (Michigan Test of Teacher Certification) for Learning Disabilities. After passing this test, you’re certified in Special Education Learning Disabilities for Grades Kindergarten through 12th.

“Our program has rolling admission, so we accept new applicants to the program any time throughout the year,” Program Director Cammie Dudek says. “We welcome you to join at any time.”
Do you want to know more?
If you want more information about our online endorsement in special education or our Master of Science in Special Education Learning Disabilities, you can visit us here.
— Vanessa Lane is the Content Marketing Lead at Concordia University and can be reached at vanessa.lane@cuaa.edu. When she's not at work, she can be found playing with her kids or watching NBA basketball with her husband.
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