Concordia University Ann Arbor’s most recent graduates grew in their faith, experienced personal care, and feel better prepared to serve and lead in the world as a result of their time at CUAA, the results of the university’s spring 2021 Graduation Survey show.
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness released the results of the 2021 survey this month. The Graduation Survey is administered annually to a representative sampling of outgoing Concordia students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. A key accreditation expectation, the survey is intended to elicit student perceptions and opinions regarding student and institutional support services.
Over the past four years CUAA’s response rates have shown steady growth. This year’s survey yielded record highs for more than half of the prompts, including:
- Faculty and staff demonstrated that they personally cared about me and my growth as an individual.
- My overall experience at Concordia provided me with a positive environment for learning, living, and personal growth.
- I grew in my Christian faith during my time at Concordia.
- Faculty regularly integrated the Christian faith into the curriculum of my classes.
- My overall experience at Concordia prepared me to live and work in a global and rapidly changing society.
- My overall experience prepared me to function as a citizen in a complex multicultural world.
- I am better prepared both to serve and to lead by putting the needs of others first.
Additionally, multiple prompts received response rates above 90 percent, including:
- My academic program helped me develop the skills I will need to be successful.
- Faculty and staff demonstrated that they personally cared about me and my growth as an individual.
- My overall experience at Concordia provided me with a positive environment for learning, living, and personal growth.
- I am better prepared both to serve and to lead by putting the needs of others first.
“When it comes to growth and development in mind, body, and spirit, the student ‘customer’ voice is important,” says Tamara Ferry, PhD, executive director of Concordia’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness. “The fact that our students are highly satisfied with their Concordia experience confirms that our mission is taking root in them and can ultimately be accomplished through them.”
Percentage of CUAA’s spring 2021 graduates who said…
93% – Faculty and staff demonstrated that they personally cared about me and my growth as an individual.
92% – My overall experience at Concordia provided me with a positive environment for learning, living, and personal growth.
90% – My academic program helped me develop the skills I will need to be successful.
92% – I am better prepared both to serve and to lead by putting the needs of others first.
Want in? Schedule your visit to CUAA today!
Concordia University Ann Arbor’s ever-growing campus is nestled on the banks of the scenic Huron River amid the No. 1 College Town in America. The campus offers more than 60 undergraduate programs and a growing number of graduate options in areas such as health professions, education, and business. With a total population just over 1,200 and an intimate 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio, students are sure to receive the personal attention needed to thrive as they explore and pursue their calling in life.
— This story is written by Kali Thiel, director of university communications for Concordia University Ann Arbor and Wisconsin. She may be reached at kali.thiel@cuw.edu or 262-243-2149.
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