Are you thinking about a degree in computer science, but you're unsure of your career options?
What can you do with a computer science degree?
We’re highlighting a few of the many positions that computer science professionals can occupy. Also, we’ll cover some of the pros and cons of working for a firm full of experts who service many accounts versus for a single company as an in-house expert.
It’s important to distinguish that some of these positions are entry-level and may only require a bachelor’s degree. Others require more training and educational exposure that you can get from a master’s degree.
Where do computer scientists work?
Are you wondering where computer science professionals actually work? The short answer is everywhere and in almost every industry. Because everything is so connected and run digitally, virtually every business needs some kind of computer or IT specialist to help put systems in place and then maintain them. At the very least, they need access to a firm that can help manage that.
Working as a specialist vs. working for a firm
So, your first career decision is to weigh the pros and cons between working directly for a company as a specialist or opting for a job with a firm where you get to interact with multiple different clients, all with varying needs.
The pro to working directly for a company is that you get to know and own one system and set of processes intimately. The only con is that you might get bored or lose some flexibility in working with different systems and company needs.
The pros and cons then of working with a firm are the opposite. At a firm, you get to create solutions for a variety of needs for different companies across many industries. The con to working in a firm is that you might not get to own a project from start to finish and it might take longer for you to truly become an expert in one given system or process.
Possible jobs for computer science professionals
According to U.S. News, here are a few of the jobs that you could hold with a degree in computer science. For a full list of the jobs that they list, visit their website.
- Data scientist
- Software tester
- Web developer
- Systems analyst
- Business analyst
- Product manager
- Network architect
- Software engineer
- Software developer
- Full-stack developer
Consider a career in teaching
Another interesting path to consider is that a degree in computer science could lead to a career in teaching. All you need is a master’s degree in computer science and you could be on your way to becoming a professor. While that may not be something that you’re interested in right now at the beginning of your career, it could be a great plan for later in life when you’ve gathered some real-life experience and are ready to pass that on to the next generation of computer scientists.
Plus, a master’s degree doesn’t just set you up for a teaching career, it also increases your expertise to help you stand apart from your peers as you look to move up the ladder or switch career paths.
Do you want to know more?
Here at Concordia, we offer a master’s degree in computer science to help you do just that. The best part? It’s a flexible degree with several tracks to choose from that are all available online so you can complete the degree at your own pace right from your own home. Request information on the program to get started!
This post was originally published on March 24, 2020. It has been updated to reflect current information.
— Vanessa Lane is the Content Marketing Lead at Concordia University and can be reached at vanessa.lane@cuaa.edu. When she's not at work, she can be found playing with her kids or watching NBA basketball with her husband.
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