High school students who are brass, woodwind, and percussion players and interested in Wind Ensemble are invited to join Honor Band Day on Feb. 28-29, 2020 at Concordia University Ann Arbor.
Registration for the event begins at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, February 28 with an alternate registration at 3:30 p.m. for students joining at the conclusion of classes at local public schools. Students will have master classes with Concordia’s music faculty, and will present a short concert on Saturday, February 29 at 4:00 p.m.
The Honor Band Day allows talented brass, woodwind, and percussion players high school band students to learn and perform music side by side with college students enrolled in the Wind Ensemble, and provides a chance for students to experience music-making in the environment of a small private liberal arts university.
Students needing to travel more than 30 miles to attend will have the option to spend the night in the residence halls with current CUAA students. There will be a $25 registration fee for students. Each participating student will receive a t-shirt.
Related: High school students visit campus for second annual Worship Arts Day
High School seniors attending Honor Band Day in February who are also interested in auditioning for CUAA Music Scholarships will have the opportunity to audition while on campus for this event. More information about available scholarships can be found here.
Click here to register for Honor Band Day.
Join us for more upcoming CUAA Music Department events:
February 29 / Honor Band Day Concert
March 1 / Concordia Vespers
March 10 / Music Festival for Lutheran Schools
March 24/ Concordia Choir Concert
April 27 / Spring Orchestra Concert
May 3 / A Night of Singing
May 7 / Wind Ensemble Concert
View all Concordia University Ann Arbor events.
— Esther Schulze is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Art. She will graduate in 2020.
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