"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." —1 Peter 4:10
Nurtured by CUAA to serve as the hands and feet of Christ throughout the world, these Concordians are among the latest graduates to receive calls or designations to Lutheran schools, churches, or organizations.
The following is a list of the school of education graduates who have currently accepted designations or calls to serve within Lutheran schools. Some graduates may still be considering designations.
Jennifer Smith | Trinity Lutheran in Utica, MI
Amber Streeter | ISJ Academy in Grand Rapids, MI
Abbey Bentz | St. Paul Lutheran in Fort Wayne, IN
Charity Felton | First Lutheran School in Ponca City OK
Annalyse Auxter*
Kalera Rahn*
The following is a list of family life graduates eligible for calls or designations to serve within churches or organizations in the LCMS.
Rachel Olson*
Michael Felton*
Sean Shepherd*
Below includes parish music graduates eligible for calls or designations to serve within churches or organizations in the LCMS.
Amy Miles | Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran in Brighton, MI
*These students are still considering a call or deferring their call for a different position.
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