Concordia University Ann Arbor Directory of Pre-Seminary Rev. Ted Hopkins, PhD gives monthly updates on church work programs including Applied Theology, Biblical Studies, Christian Thought, Family Life Ministry, Lutheran Teaching Diploma, Parish Music, Pre-seminary, Pre-deaconess, and Theological Languages.
God’s peace to all of you this epiphany season! We are jumping into a new spring semester at CUAA, and I had the great pleasure of holding pre-seminary interviews with our students as they enter formally into the pre-seminary program.
God’s work is happening at CUAA
These were heartening interviews that raised my spirits and helped me recognize God’s work that is happening at CUAA. These young men all love Jesus and want to proclaim this good news of Christ crucified not only in the church but to the world. They have a heart for God’s mission, and a passion for the Holy Scriptures. What a joy to hear from these young men about their desire for pastoral ministry and their current spiritual practices by which God’s Spirit is forming them for the ministry of the Word.
Why I love pre-seminary interviews
I love doing these interviews because of the passion I see in these students, and how CUAA has been a big part of their formation. Students named CUAA professors and home pastors as important leaders who have helped them understand ministry. I’m just glad that Jesus has graciously let me be a part of his work in shaping these students. If you know any high school students who might be interested in ministry, especially pastoral but not exclusively, please contact me and talk to me about how I can partner with you to get them on this path. I want to help you bring more young people to see the joy of the ministry of the Gospel!
Your partner in the Gospel,
Rev. Ted Hopkins, PhD
CUAA Pre-Seminary Director
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