Monday, December 19
Isaiah 40:1-17 and Revelation 7:1-17
The season of Advent for many is not always the most wonderful time of the year. As the world prepares with anticipation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, it can magnify the sorrows of some. Loss, suffering, and loneliness can afflict even the most faithful Christian. I recall my own experience years ago with wanting the whole season to quickly pass by after the death of my twin infant boys. That Christmas should have been filled with joyful little bundles excited by the sights and sounds of the season. Instead, it was a holiday filled with grief and sadness. This Christmas will bring similar sentiments for me having recently lost my father to a lengthy battle with Alzheimer’s. The question of Why God? is typically foremost in our minds when we are enduring such trials.
The answer I discovered during my time of grief was simple. Satan would wish to use our sufferings to destroy the Church and its witness; Satan’s intent would be that sorrow will pull us away from God. God’s power and love, however, uses these times of sorrow to draw us closer to Himself. They give us opportunities to witness to Christ’s own suffering and death. Reflecting on God’s willingness to allow His own beloved Son to go to the cross for the sake of saving others aided in my grieving process. He knew intimately what it was like to watch a son die as I had.
Yet how can we find hope in this season if the joy others are experiencing seems elusive? We look to God’s Word. In Isaiah 40, we read: Comfort, comfort my people. With these words, the consoling ministry of the Word is encouraged through the preaching of the Gospel. While it is natural for us to weep and lament, God’s gift of grace can turn our sorrow into joy.
That is the message of Advent. Comfort can be found in what Christ accomplished on the cross. We also focus on Christ coming again to wipe away our tears. Jesus is the shepherd promised by God who would tend His flock and gather the lambs. As sheep in His flock, we will be gathered together, and none of us will hunger nor thirst again.

School of Business, CUAA
About this series
“Advent Anticipation: the arrival of our Savior” is a sampling of biblical meditations composed by members of the CUWAA community. It is our prayer that you will take time during the Advent season to read and reflect upon God’s Word and await the coming of Jesus with newfound enthusiasm and anticipation through the Holy Spirit.