Congratulations to the CUWAA alumni recently elected or re-elected district president in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Thank you, all, for your service to God and for making your alma mater proud. We pray that the Lord continues to guide you in this important and sacred calling.
Concordia University Ann Arbor Alumni
David Davis (’79)
Michigan District (1st term)
Terry Forke (’78)
Montana District (6th term)
Robert Beinke (’82)
New England District (1st full term)
David Nehrenz (’75)
Oklahoma District (1st term)
Timothy Scharr (’80)
Southern Illinois District (4th term)
Michael Newman (’83)
Texas District (2nd term, re-elected in 2021)
John Hill (’85)
Wyoming District (3rd term)
Concordia University Wisconsin Alumni
Jameson Hardy (’96)
English District (3rd term)
Dwayne Lueck (’75)
North Wisconsin District (4th term)
Allan Buss (’86)
Northern Illinois District (2nd term)
For information about Church Work programs at Concordia University Ann Arbor, visit cuaa.edu.
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