On Wednesday, November 6, six Concordia University Ann Arbor faculty will present their research at the 2nd annual Faculty Scholarship Day.
CUAA’s Faculty Scholarship Day provides faculty with an in-house opportunity to present their work for peer review as all students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend.
“The purpose of Faculty Scholarship Day is to raise awareness of the research and scholarly work in which CUAA’s faculty is engaged,” said CUAA’s Assistant Vice President of Academics.
Peer-reviewed scholarship is also one of the three evaluated areas for faculty—teaching, peer-reviewed scholarship, and service.
2019 is the second year that CUAA has had a Faculty Scholarship Day. See below to view faculty participants, research topics, and a schedule of events.
Poster Session | 11 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
Zimmerman Library ARC Multipurpose Room
Dr. Renee Clemons
School of Nursing
Simulation as an Effective Tool for Student Nurses to Enhance Communication Skills and Comfort Level with Behavioral/Mental Health Patients: Does It Work?
There is a shortage of select specialty clinical sites available to nursing students. A nursing simulation project has found simulation was able to provide nursing students with an enriching and realistic learning environment for students to hone in on their use of therapeutic communication. It was reported simulation helped to alleviate anxiety when working with this patient population and to also improve self-confidence and situational awareness.
Dr. Natalie Hugh
School of Nursing
Vaccine Hesitancy in a Catholic-centric Pediatric Primary Care Patient Population
This study quantifies vaccine hesitancy in a Catholic-centric pediatric clinic and assesses potential drivers of vaccine hesitancy. 74.6% of the clinic’s patients, aged 0-5 years, had either delayed or missed vaccines. Parents who refused vaccines were 10-times more likely to report believing that vaccines do not report children from serious diseases.
Dr. Jim Refenes
School of Arts and Sciences
Assessing Technical Inefficiency in Four-Year, Private, Not-for-Profit Bachelor’s and Master’s Universities in the United States Using Stochastic Frontier Estimation
This study sought to determine if a measure of economic inefficiency (stochastic frontier estimation) could be applied to the higher education industry in order to better inform university decision makers. Inefficiency was measured by determining how much universities were investing in key spending categories to produce students with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
Presentations | 12:40—2:00 p.m.
Zimmerman Library ARC Multipurpose Room
Dr. Robert Hill | 12:40 p.m.
School of Arts and Sciences
Imagining the Revolution: History and Heroism in Three Nineteenth-Century Accounts of America’s Revolutionary Past
Most readers are familiar with Washington Irving’s classic story of “Rip Van Winkle,” the man who sleeps through the American Revolution only to awaken twenty years later to find a bewildering and radically altered society than the one he lived in before. Published in 1819, it was one of many 19th century literary works that historicized and romanticized the Revolutionary era. These historical romances helped enshrine both facts and enduring myths in the public’s mind. This paper examines three other works (Parson Weems’ The Life of Washington; Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Legends of the Province House; and Herman Melville’s Israel Potter) and demonstrates their seminal influence in shaping Americans’ understanding of the revolutionary past.
Dr. Scott Chappuis | 1:00 p.m.
School of Arts and Sciences
Innocent Victim or Menacing Threat: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Alternative News Media Surrounding the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis and the Death of Syrian Child Alan Kurdi
This study looks at news bias in reporting on the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis and the death of Syrian Child Alan Kurdi. Liberal sources depicted Kurdi and his family as victims of the Humanitarian Crisis, while conservative sources depicted Kurdi and his family as sub-human and threats to U.S. society.
Dr. Mihaela Zegrean | 1:20 p.m.
School of Nursing
A Quality Improvement Study to Enhance Patient Education about Medication Side Effects
Patients report dissatisfaction with education about medications and their side effects. This quality improvement project revealed improved patient satisfaction scores after a teaching intervention with various health care professionals. Striving for continued increase in patient satisfaction scores regarding medication education will require addressing health professionals’ barriers to patient teaching.
Learn more about Concordia University Ann Arbor faculty by academic school: Haab School of Business, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, School of Health Professions, School of Nursing
— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.
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