Grace Stadler

Being a student at Concordia University Ann Arbor has changed my life. Because of the wonderful community and loving environment, I have grown physically, mentally, and most importantly spiritually.

Concordia has given me the chance to develop my faith while expanding my academic responsibilities and preparing me for a successful future. My aspirations to become a physical therapist will continue after graduation in May, as I am currently applying to several Doctor of Physical Therapy programs.

With all of my roles in campus activities—such as being a dual athlete (women’s soccer and women’s lacrosse), Campus Ministry coordinator, Worship Arts leader, Student Athlete Leadership Team representative, and member of the women’s chorale—I have experienced so much of Concordia and have been extremely blessed to be a student here. Thanks to donors like you, I have been able to see so many wonderful changes in the four years of my undergraduate studies. From the new athletic facilities and beautifully renovated music hall, to the North Building, and so much more, Concordia has blossomed. I have graciously been able to utilize the facilities and new advancements daily, and have enjoyed every minute.

Thank you for being so faithful and for offering not only me, but current and future students a better chance for success at a higher education university where excellence and growth are invigorated. I am proud to be a Cardinal, and because of donors such as you, I can start my future on the right foot.

Again, thank you for your generosity. Blessings to you and your family this holiday season!

With a sincere heart,

Grace Stadler

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