Micu college fair

Due to COVID-19, many students have been unable to attend traditional college fairs and meet with college representatives. That’s why Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities and Michigan College Access Network are hosting a virtual college fair on May 26, 27, and 28.

Along with the 25 member institutions of Michigan’s Independent Colleges and Universities, Concordia University Ann Arbor is participating this virtual college fair to give students a chance to explore the educational pathways of over 60 academic programs, speak with college representatives and members of Concordia’s admissions team, and ask questions about Concordia.

Learn more and register here: https://collegefairsonline.com/mi-student-registration/

It’s likely that COVID-19 is getting in the way of prospective students’ college planning process, but higher education institutions—like Concordia University Ann Arbor—are pivoting and ever-evolving to come up with new approaches to sharing information with prospective students.

MICU Virtual College Fair

The fair will be live 24 hours a day, May 26-28. Admissions reps will be available:

May 26: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. ET
May 27: 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. ET
May 28: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. ET

“Right now we are all experiencing uncertain times, but they are also times of uncommon opportunity and uncommon growth,” said CUAA’s Director of Enrollment Jesús Hernández. “Concordia University is doing its best to adjust, respond and move forward in faith.”

In addition to the MICU virtual college fair, Concordia’s admissions team continues to conduct individual virtual visits on a daily basis. Prospective students can speak one-on-one with an admissions representatives, faculty members, and athletic coaches as well as go on a virtual tour of campus.

Visit CUAA! Click here to register for a individual virtual visit with Concordia’s admissions team.

“The admissions counselors, faculty, staff and students are all still very eager to give you, our prospective future Cardinal, as close to a taste of Concordia as possible. Join us for this uncommon experience as we walk by faith together,” said Hernández.

— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.

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