Enjoy the springtime season with these activities both on and off campus!
Off-campus activities
Shop at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market
The Ann Arbor Farmers Market is proud to bring fresh produce, farm products, prepared foods, beverages, and artisan items to the community year-round. It is currently open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Visit the Matthaei Botanical Gardens
Matthaei Botanical Gardens offers outdoor garden spaces featuring a variety of plants, a garden created just for kids, nearly three miles of trails, and an indoor conservatory filled with plants from around the world.
Boat or tube down the Huron River
Gallup Park features canoes, kayaks, and paddleboat rentals for river trips and still water paddling. This award-winning park includes 3.25-mile asphalt trail, fishing, public boat launce, playgrounds, and picnic areas! Rent a boat or tube here.
Visit one of many Ann Arbor parks
Do you love exploring the outdoors? Ann Arbor offers all kinds of adventures. The natural, scenic areas are vast – full of trails to explore and hike. Full of natural environments, with an incredible and diverse offering of parks, gardens, and outdoor attractions.
Visit the animals Domino’s Farms Petting Farm
Located in Ann Arbor, this unique Petting Farm is open to the public. They are home to about 100 traditional and non-traditional farm animals, including cows, horses, donkeys, llamas, and more! Click here for more information!
On-campus events
Listen to student musicians at Hill Auditorium
Come to the Hill Auditorium in downtown Ann Arbor for the showcase of CUAA’s award-winning Community Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Choir on May 3rd, at 7 p.m. There is no registration for this FREE event. We hope to see you there! Learn more about the concert here.
See Bye Bye Birdie in Blackbox Theatre
A loving send-up of the 1950’s, small-town America, teenagers, and rock & roll, Bye Bye Birdie remains as fresh and vibrant as ever. Teen heartthrob Conrad Birdie has been drafted, so he chooses All-American girl Kim MacAfee for a very public farewell kiss. Join Concordia Theatre for a night of entertainment. Click here for more information on dates, times and ticket information!
Attend the first annual CUAA Theatre Cabaret Dinner
Look forward to an extravagant, Masquerade-themed evening with food and theatrical entertainment, highlighting our students, their talent, and a joyous celebration of our Theatre Department’s achievements and future. This formal event will take place on Saturday, April 29th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Get your tickets here!
Celebrate the end of the semester at Springpalooza Carnival
On behalf of Student Events and SGA, we are excited to bring you a Springpalooza CARNIVAL! This carnival will take place on May 5th, 2023. Stay tuned for more details here!
Kick off the summer at River Sounds
If you are still in Ann Arbor after graduation, join us in this kickoff for summer! On Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, the full 71-piece Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra will perform outdoors on the CUAA campus. Get more information about this event here.
Want in?
CUAA is proud to offer a variety of events for students, families, and the community! Click on the link below to learn more.