On Monday, March 23, 2020, Concordia University Ann Arbor students' second half of spring semester started taking place in a very different space.
Learning online is not a new phenomenon, but because of the coronavirus outbreak, it became the safest and only offered option. What was once a choice for college students is now a mandated modality across the country.
Like many other institutions, CUAA prefers Zoom video conferencing. So while you could say ‘everybody’s doing it,’ we wanted to show how we all Zoom a little differently.
Which classZoom are you?
Zoom with a view
Why face a wall when you can face a window? Zoom-with-a-view not only gives you something to look at when you need a break from the screen, but it also provides natural lighting that gives a great glow when you’re logging into your classes or meetings.
We’ve all had to say goodbye to in-person peers, and some have chosen to replace that void with their pet. Bringing your pet to class is now paw-fectly acceptable. Who else is fully embracing the pet-in-the-lap perk?
Committed to Comfort
For some, class from the couch is a dream. With a blanket, feet propped, and a coffee in hand, this is definitely this is the comfiest class you’ve ever attended. If your classZoom is committed to comfort, just make sure your classZoom doesn’t turn into a classZzzzzoom.
Dog Distraction
Just when the Concordia turkeys finally started leaving you alone, a new animal has become a part of your academics. Different from the pet-in-the-lap—a full embrace of your fuzzy friend—the dog distraction can be a bit of a bother. Dare we say it, maybe even a pet peeve?
Cozy Corner
Cozy corner classZooms are important for students who really like a specific spot to focus. There’s something about a cozy corner that makes you feel like you have everything you need to accomplish the task at hand. Students in a cozy corner are virtually unstoppable.
Motivating Messages
We’re all in this together, and for some, it helps to have a few reminders. Motivating messages like “You got this!” set in the corner of the desk can be just the kick you need to stay focused and finish that assignment before you leave the classZoom to do something else.
Classic Concordia
Ah, the classic Concordia. This is a view most Cardinals are familiar with, but only a handful are currently experiencing while quarantining on campus. While a bit comforting (and maybe a little sad) to see the classic Concordia, its a reminder to be thankful of the many different ways we can still come together even when we’re miles apart.
— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.
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