Whether this is your first time living with roommates or you've done so for years, following these helpful tips will make sharing a space with your roommate an enjoyable experience.
Getting ready to move onto Concordia University Ann Arbor’s campus for the 2020-21 academic year? Get excited! Living on campus is an awesome experience.
A huge part of residence life at Concordia involves living with roommates. As you chat with your new roommate about who’s bringing what essentials (don’t forget to read CUAA student tips: What to bring for your room!), we’re sharing tips from CUAA students that will help you after you’re all moved in.
There was a common theme from many students on the importance of communication. You’re (likely) not a mind reader, and neither is your roommate! Be sure to communicate openly and often, and remember to listen, too.
- Be honest and open in your communication
- Make sure you talk “with” your roommate, not “at”
- Communications! Being on the same page about a shared space is huge
- Communication is key
- Make things clear! Don’t beat around the bush
- If something bugs you, talk about it
- Communication and respect for each other and their belongings is key!
- Make sure they are aware of your pet peeves
- Listen first
- Be open minded and a good listener
The second common theme included tips for cleanliness. When sharing a space, Concordia students suggest that keeping a room clean helps the roommate dynamic. Here are some things they said specifically…
- You’re sharing a space. You’re roommate can look away from a mess, but they can’t run from a smell!
- Create a chores list!
- Make a cleaning schedule and talk ground rules from the start
- Make your bed! My college roommate made their bed every day.

If you have any specific questions about Residence Life at CUAA, don’t hesitate to reach out to Resident Director Gabe Farr.
Download the official packing check-list from CUAA’s Residence Life team here, and check out at 360 degree photo of all of the residence hall rooms here.
— Rachel Thoms served on Concordia University's Strategic Communications team from 2015-2022. Any inquiries about this story can be sent to news@cuaa.edu.
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