Teddy Eising’s (’24) college journey at CUAA is a testament to the well-rounded student experience, blending academic excellence, extracurricular involvement, and a clear sense of purpose as he prepares for a career in law enforcement.

This story highlights one of Concordia’s uncommon May 2024 graduates. Faculty and staff submit candidates for consideration. Stories are posted in the days leading up to commencement. View more uncommon graduates here.

Ever wonder what a full college experience looks like?

Look no further than CUAA senior Teddy Eising. On top of his studies, Teddy is a student-athlete in track and field who participates in both the Concordia Choir and CUAA’s select choir, Arborsong. He’s among the first CUAA students to elect to participate in the Great Texts Pathway, course route through the heritage of western civilization open to any undergraduate, with classes marked by careful study, copious reading, and deep discussion of storied texts.

In August 2023, he was hired by the Royal Oak Police Department holding the rank of cadet, further filling his already busy schedule as he prepares for a future in law enforcement. And through it all, he prioritizes his faith through regular daily chapel attendance and participating in vespers. Teddy’s commitment to his studies, combined with his involvement in extracurricular activities, reflects a holistic college experience that is sure to set him up for a dynamic future.

Roots at CUAA

For Teddy, attending CUAA was more than just a college choice—it was a family tradition. With multiple family members having attended, including his mother, sister, and aunt, CUAA was a natural fit. The institution held a special place in his heart, knowing that it had played a significant role in the lives of those closest to him.

“All my friends were looking at different universities and my parents said I could look and apply, but I didn’t really trust anywhere else,” Teddy explained. “It is the church’s school, and we have had so many people know attend, so I knew this would be a good choice.”

Well-Rounded Student

Great Texts Pathway

Teddy knew that he was going to major in Justice and Public Policy, but what really interested him was the Great Texts Pathway, and Rev. Dr. Charles Schulz was the one that recommended Teddy to take the classes. He was able to dive into the writings of influential thinkers like Augustine, Martin Luther King Jr., Tertullian, and more.

“The whole classical education model is not career based. It is making you equipped to handle everything in life,” Teddy explained. “The Great Texts Pathway is known to be a good education, so when you sign up regardless of your major, you are signing up to ensure you get a well-rounded education.”

The Great Texts Pathway at CUAA offers students a unique chance to engage deeply with timeless knowledge and skills, enriching their understanding of the world and their ability to contribute meaningfully to society. He embraced the challenge of tackling complex ideas and engaging in thought-provoking discussions with his peers and professors.

Choir, Track, and Jobs

Teddy’s involvement in choir and track and field played significant roles in shaping his college experience. “I’ve been in choir since kindergarten, and when I got to college, I realized the choir here is really good,” Teddy recalls. “So I decided to try for a scholarship, and I got one.” With his participation in choir, he was thrown into his part for Boar’s Head and has been loving it ever since. He will continue his involvement in Boar’s Head even after he graduates.

Teddy’s participation in track added another dimension to his college journey which pushed him physically and mentally. He learned valuable lessons such as team building and discipline. “Recently, I’ve realized how team building applies to choir. It’s been interesting to see the connections between different activities,” Teddy said. “I’m not sure how much I’ve been able to implement, but just recognizing those connections and developing those skills is valuable.”

Because he partook in choir and track, he was able to travel around the United States. He went to Florida, California, Arizona, Mackinac Island, and recently went to D.C. for the Washington D.C. International Music Festival with the Music Department. He also competed in a track and field meet in South Carolina.

In addition to his involvement in extracurriculars activities, Teddy held two on-campus jobs. He was a peer tutor for Christian Citizen classes and a writing consultant in the ARC. He had the opportunity to assist his fellow student in navigating the challenges of their coursework while gaining valuable professional skills that would serve him well in his future career.

Cadet School

As part of his college experience, Teddy works in the Royal Oak Police Department as a cadet. This program provided him with hands-on experience and valuable insights into law enforcement while he completed his studies. “One of the requirements for JPP is having an internship, which is what kicked me into the cadet program” Teddy explains. “I’ve been put into a very good position in the job market because of the cadet program.”

Through the cadet program, Teddy gained practical knowledge of police procedures and protocols, as well as an understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities of law enforcement officers. Teddy’s involvement in the cadet program not only enhanced his education but also set him on a path towards achieving his dream of becoming a police officer.

Balancing Life

What is something that almost all college students struggle with? Some could argue, procrastination, organization, or time management. For Teddy it was staying organized. With his jam-packed schedule, he had to learn to stay on top of his coursework while juggling his commitments to choir rehearsals, track and field practices and his jobs. “I never really managed to stay organized until this last year,” Teddy admits. “My roommate is the person to thank for the improvement. He’s all about his schedule; you get up at the same time every day, you go to bed at the same time every night.”

With this new adopted disciplined approach ensured he made the most of his time. “Wake up early and go to bed at a reasonable time; it really helps,” he notes. “Having a slot in the morning where you can get everything done that you need to was the key for me.”

Future Calling

With graduation right around the corner, Teddy is ready to embark on his next adventure: serving his community as a police officer. “I’ve always been drawn to the attitude required of law enforcement: vigilance, focus under pressure, self-sacrifice, and high-level decision-making,” Teddy explains. After completing the cadet program, the Royal Oak Police Department will send him to a police academy, and upon graduation, he will return to Royal Oak as a police officer.

His decision to pursue a career in law enforcement was also influenced by his desire for hands-on involvement and his appreciation for the team aspect of police work. “When everyone was little, they wanted to be three things: a cop, a pirate, or an astronaut,” Teddy remarks. “I’ve dissected it more as I’ve gotten older, and I’ve realized that I’m very much drawn to the teamwork and being in the middle of everything.”

Teddy sees law enforcement as a way to directly impact his community, serving and protecting others while also upholding justice and integrity. His future calling as a police officer is not just a career choice but a vocation driven by a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

If it was not answered yet, Teddy’s time at CUAA has been the full college experience. He truly embodies the well-rounded student. His journey exemplifies the transformative power of education, community, and personal passion.

“There’s not much else that I wish I could have done with my college experience,” he reflects. “I’ve managed to get my fingers into everything I want to.”

Want in?

If upholding the United States Constitution, your state constitution, and local ordinances through correctional, enforcement or legal means is important to you, we have a solution. Consider pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Justice and Public Policy (JPP). A degree in JPP will give you foundational knowledge in the courts, corrections, juvenile justice theory, law enforcement, paralegal, procedural and substantive criminal law, and security. Careers include attorney, court administration, intelligence operations, local and federal law enforcement, and warden.

—This story is written by Keara Chaperon, Social Media Manager for Concordia University Ann Arbor and Concordia University Wisconsin. She may be reached at keara.chaperon@cuaa.edu.